API reference

class CladFunction

Provides an interface to easily access, call and print the differentiated function.


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template<class Fn>
CladFunction differentiate(Fn fn, const char *args)

In very brief, this function differentiate functions using the forward mode automatic differentiation.

More specifically, this function performs partial differentiation of the provided function (fn) using the forward mode automatic differentiation with respect to parameter specified in args. Template parameter N denotes the derivative order.

Please refer this to know more about the forward mode automatic differentiation. For now it is enough to know that forward mode automatic differentiation (AD) is more efficient than the reverse mode automatic differentiation when the number of output parameters of the function are greater than the number of input paramters of the function.

#include "clad/Differentiator/Differentiator.h"

double func(double x, double y) { return x * x * y + y * y; }

int main(){

   // fn_dx is of type CladFunction, which is a tiny wrapper
   // over the derived function pointer.
   // It will differentiate 'func' w.r.t 'x'.
   auto fn_dx = clad::differentiate(func, "x");

   // Using CladFunction::execute method when (x, y) = (5, 3)
   double func1stOrderDerivative = fn_dx.execute(5,3);
   printf("Result is %d\n", func1stOrderDerivative); //Result is 30

template<class Fn>
CladFunction gradient(Fn fn, const char *args)

In very brief, this function differentiate functions using the reverse mode automatic differentiation.

More specifically, this function performs partial differentiation of the provided function (fn) using the reverse mode automatic differentiation with respect to all the parameters specified in args.

Please refer this to know more about the reverse mode automatic differentiation. For now it is enough to know that generally reverse mode AD is more efficient than the forward mode AD when there are multiple input paramters.

#include "clad/Differentiator/Differentiator.h"

double func (double i, double j) {
   return 5*i*i + 2*j;
int main() {
   auto fn_grad = clad::gradient(func);
   double d_i = 0, d_j = 0;
   fn_grad.execute(3, 5, &d_i, &d_j);
   printf("Result is %g , %g \n", d_i, d_j); //Result is 30 , 2
template<class Fn>
CladFunction hessian(Fn fn, const char *args)

This function generates a function that can be used to compute hessian matrix of the provided function (fn) with respect to all the arguments specified in args.

#include "clad/Differentiator/Differentiator.h"
double func(double i, double j) {
   double a = i * j;
   double b = 4 * a;
   return b * i;
int main() {

  auto fn_hesn = clad::hessian(func);

  // Creates an empty matrix to store the Hessian in
  double matrix[4] = {0};

  // Clad requires array size information as well
  clad::array_ref<double> matrix_ref(matrix, 4);
  fn_hesn.execute(8, 2, matrix_ref);

  // Result is 16, 64, 64,0
  printf("Result is %g, %g, %g,%g \n", matrix_ref[0], matrix_ref[1],
         matrix_ref[2], matrix_ref[3]);
template<class Fn>
CladFunction jacobian(Fn fn, const char *args)

This function generates a function that can be used to compute jacobian matrix of the provided function (fn) with respect to all the arguments specified in args. If no explicit args argument is specified, then jacbian matrix is computed with respect to all the input parameters. For a function with 3 input parameters and an output array of size 4, the jacobian matrix will contain 12 elements.

#include "clad/Differentiator/Differentiator.h"
void func(double i, double j, double result[]) {
  result[0] = i * i * j;
  result[1] = j * j * i;
  result[2] = j * i;
int main() {

  auto fn_jcbn = clad::jacobian(func);

  // Creates an empty matrix to store the Jacobian in
  double matrix[6] = {0};
  double res[3] = {0};

  fn_jcbn.execute(8, 2, res, matrix);

  //Result is 48, 64, 4, 32, 2, 8
  printf("Result is %g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g \n", matrix[0], matrix[1],
         matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);


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